11 October 2011

Fiordland National Park

So far in my 19 years, this is one of the top 5 prettiest places I have been to! And I only went to a portion of it...geez save some beauty for the rest of the world!!  Located in the south west corner of New Zealand, Fiordland National Park has fiords (valleys carved out by glaciers), wildlife, rivers, creeks, lakes, valleys, mountains, and my heart. hahaha!  I left on Saturday morning with two of my flat mates to Te Anau, which is pretty much the gateway to Milford Sound and the National Park.  Spent the day walking along rocky shores, soaking up the sunshine, swimming in the iciest water for about 4 seconds, hiking around a lake, trying to climb up a river bank and slipping all the way down (on video....it seems as if I cannot escape my clumsiness anywhere!), leaping over fallen logs, and taking pictures.  We camped by Cascade Creek and I only slept for about an hour due to my horrible syndrome called Can't Sleep Anywhere But A Bed.  Normally, I can sleep at least 6 hours camping, but I was a bit more unfortunate this weekend.  I ate my first noodles in a cup for dinner, which lived up to it's expectation: mediocre.  I managed to get out of my  sleeping bag around 6:30 am, and quickly realized I really only got one hour of sleep because I stumbled to the bathroom not so eloquently.  Some pictures of the beginning of Fiordland NP:
Hollyford Valley

Again, with the camera at ground level.

A perfectly clean swamp...eels are supposed to be here but none were sighted.

Gunn Lake--where we hiked.
Beech forest, with some back light. So pretty.

Other side of Gunn Lake. Perfect AM reflection with some fog.
After I had successfully woken up (or got out of my sleeping bag because I was awake most of the night), we ate and drove to catch our 9.15am boat cruise around Milford.  From our camp site, we drove about 30 km.  We had to drive through Homer Tunnel, a dark, skinny 1200 meters!  My aunt Laura told me about this tunnel, and how she was drove through it and got claustrophobic midway into the tunnel.  I remember imagining it, and it was crazy to think that I am living the exact moment she described when driving through it.  Once the tunnel ceased, an amazing Cleddau Valley emerged. On the cruise, there were people from all around the world, most of them visiting for the Rugby World Cup and just taking a quick side trip.  I drank two cups of coffee to wake me up on the boat...but am not sure if it was the caffeine or the views that ultimately made me feel alive again!  Anyway, the cruise lasted for about an hour and a half which seemed more like 15 minutes.  Just stunning!  It was carved by glaciers ages ago and now is the home to seals, dolphins, and penguins!  I unfortunately did not see any dolphins, but had the privilege to witness seals and a couple of penguins playing around a waterfall. I kept circling around and around the boat to make sure I did not miss anything! Sweet as...this is New Zealand.  I cannot believe I am fortunate enough to experience this.  Bless!
Panorama of Milford Sound

Myself at Harrison's Cove

Stirling Falls--the 2nd largest permanent waterfall at Milford

It was simply stunning!

Cleddau Valley

Again...absolutely beautiful!
 On the way home, we stopped by Mirror Lake, but I think my other reflection picture is more epic.  I got sunburned from the rare 2 days in a row of sun, only a small price to pay!  
Mirror Lake, the wind was slightly blowing.
News around here/home:
 I watched the All Blacks vs. Argentina semifinal game when I got back Sunday night with a couple of my Kiwi friends.  New Zealand is in the quarter finals!!!!  Joining them is Wales, France, and Australia.  Christchurch had another earthquake last night, so crazy! I am so glad that I do not live there...I would constantly be worrying!  They call it Shaky Town, if you don't know why, google "define: earthquake" ;)

Happy Birthday to my Dad and little brother! And congratulations to my sister Bridget for completing 26.2 miles this weekend in Chicago to raise money for diabetes research.  My whole family went to cheer her on, and I thought of you and Brynn often!  I will give you an appropriate hug once I return in one month and 2 days (ahhhh no/yes).  I am excited to see my family and friends in Minnesota, but not so excited to leave my family here. The last week of classes started today, and it does not feel like it at all.  I am already getting sentimental about things...such as this is the last time I might do this, see that person, or see something.  I do not think I will ever come back to Dunedin (unless I meet my soulmate in less than a month hahahahahhahaha just kidding), but I would love to come back to visit my friend in Wellington!  Someday...

Oh and here are some really cute twin babies! I cannot wait until January for some twin babes to be born, God willing! :) :) :) :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Looks like an amazing trip! I have always wanted to see penguins :)

  3. Wow, stunning! YOu have captured some great scapes with your mad photo skills.
    Also, cant wait for you to be here and see the twinnies! (When they are born and before!)
    xoxo (a few more weeks?)
